3rd Cuirassier Regiment (France)

3e Régiment de Cuirassiers
Active 1645-1815
Country France
Branch French Army
Type Heavy Cavalry/Armored Cavalry
Engagements Thirty Years' War
War of the Spanish Succession
French Revolutionary Wars
Napoleonic Wars
World War I
Algerian War

The 3rd Cuirassier Regiment (French: 3e Régiment de Cuirassiers, 3e RC) was a cavalry regiment of the French Army, later reequipped as an armored regiment.



Ancien Régime

Timoléon de Sercourt d’Esclainvilliers inherited his fathers company of Light horse in 1635, when he was three years old. The same year in May, Cardinal Richelieu decided to reorganize the French Cavalry, Esclainvilliers' company became part of the Cardinal Duc regiment. It fought in the Battle of Rocroi as a part of that regiment. During this time the unit became the Esclainvilliers Cavalry, the ancestor of the 3rd Cuirassier Regiment.

The regiment distinguished itself fighting in Flanders in 1650. In 1652, under the command of Turenne, it fought against the fronders in Paris and was present at Stenay. The regiment was renamed the Commissaire General Regiment in April 1656.

The regiment set up six companies in 1665 for the reconquest of Flanders. The regiment took part in the siege of Maastricht in 1673, and then served as a garrison for a time in Franche-Comté before it returned to Flanders. It stayed in Flanders during both the Nine Years' War and the War of Spanish Succession.

The regiment joined the Army of the Rhine at Landan in 1742; with it the regiment distinguished itself at Ratisbon. It was sent to the Army of the Alps in 1746, but the war ended the next year with the Peace of Aix-la-Chapelle. During the Seven Years' War it was sent to Saint-Lô in 1762 to defend the French coastline. In 1791, the regiment was renamed 3rd Régiment de Cavalrie. In 1802/03 the Regiment was renamed the 3rd Cuirassiers.

French revolutionary and Napoleonic Period

During the French Revolutionary Wars and the Napoleonic Wars, the regiment fought in the battles of Valmy, Marengo, Austerlitz, Jena, Eylau, Heilsberg and Friedland.

In 1807 a detachment was sent to Spain where it was combined with detachments from the 1st and 2nd Cuirassiers and the 1st and 2nd Carabiniers to form the 1st Provisional Heavy Cavalry (designated the 13th Cuirassiers at the end of 1808).

From 1809 on it served in the battles of Eckmühl, Essling, Wagram, Ostrowono, Smolensk, Borodino, Dresden, Liebertwolkwitz, Leipzig, Champaubert, Fère-Champenoise.

During the First Restoration (1814), the regiment was named the Régiment de Cuirassiers du Dauphin. With the return of Napoleon I in 1815, the regiment was renamed 3eme Régiment de Cuirassiers. It fought at Ligny and Waterloo. It was disbanded with the Second Restoration on 25 November.

July Monarchy and Second Empire

The final fall of the Bourbons and the establishment of the July Monarchy mean that the regiment once again becomes the 3rd Cuirassier Regiment. Between 1830 and 1869, the regiment is garrison in Lyon and Lunéville.

When war was declared between France and Prussia in 1870, the regiment was garrisoned in Lunéville. The regiment entered Haguenau on 2 August, then Reichshoffen, where it fought in the Battle of Wörth. There it took part in the great cavalry charge. The remains of the regiment withdrew in good order and arrived at Saverne on 7 August and after a short rest there marched to join the Army of Châlons, which it did on 20 August 1870. After passing through Floing the regiment retreated to Sedan on the 1st of September, with the rest of its division.

In the evening of 4 March 1871, the regiment was sent to Paris. The March Regiment became the 3rd Cuirassier Regiment again on 1 April 1871.

World War I

The regiment crossed the Franco-Belgian border on 6 August and took part in the operations around Florenville. It also took part in engagements of the Great retreat and the following Race to the Sea. It then held the trench lines until March 1918 in the North, Somme and Champagne, at which time the German had exhausted their last resources.

The regiment is part of the 4th Cavalry Division, which took part in the offensive that brings victory to the allies, particularly in July 1918 at Saint-Pierre-Aigle and in August at Montdidier. The regiment was at Detergheim in Flanders, when the armistice was signed on 11 November 1918. It took part in the victory parade in Brussels ten days later.

The regiment received two new inscriptions on the standard for its service during the war: "Belgique 1914-1918" and "Picardie 1918". The regiment was dissolved in 1919 in the aftermath of the war.

Battle of France

The regiment was reformed on 16 May 1940 in the region of Fontevraud-Saumur, as a part of the mobilization for the war with Germany. It was equipped with SOMUA S35 and Hotchkiss H35 tanks and becoming part of the 1st Cuirassier Division.

The regiment moves on Abbeville on 27 May, where it resists the Germany push, before being forced to retreat to Beauvais. During its retreat it fought rearguard actions at Cormonville and Cheverny. Hostilities were suspended on 25 June and cease fire orders were given to all units; the regiment was dissolved on 31 July 1940.

Algerian War

The regiment was reformed in 1952 and on 23 March 1956, the regiment disembarked in Oran, Algeria, first moving to Tlemcen then Sebdou. It took part in the operations to maintain law and order, guarding the Moroccan-Algerian border. The regiment took part in several operations in the area.

The regiment was reorganized to a reconnaissance regiment normally used in Algeria on 1 April 1957. It would be reorganized several times during the war and in October 1962 it is attached to the 43rd Brigade, based at Mers El Kébir.

After eight years of service in Algeria, the regiment embarked for France on 4 June 1964. The regiment was dissolved on 15 June 1964 at Camp Sissonne.

Last reformation

The regiment was reformed in 1968 in Chenevières, France, as an armored regiment of the 8th Motorized Brigade in Lunéville. It was original equipped with AMX-13 tanks, but reequipped with the AMX-30 tanks in 1973.

The regiment was reorganized again in 1992, when some regiments of the French Force in Germany were dissolved after the fall of the Berlin Wall and the end of the Cold War. The regiment absorbed the 2nd Squadron of the 5th Cuirassier Regiment and the E.E.D. of the 57th D.B., a new squadron was also created and equipped with the AMX-30B tanks.

A squadron was sent to former Yugoslavia in 1994 as a part of the United Nations Protection Force; it was in Croatia for its four months deployment. The regiment also detached some officers as observers for the UN to the Western Sahara in 1997. The regiment was dissolved for the final time in 1998 in the reforms that swept the French Army.


Battle Honors


